Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, last weekend we finally decided to face the crowds and the elements and go camping. We tried a few weekends ago and then realized it was the same weekend the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally started and decided not to go! The population of this state sometimes doubles during that week and lets just say they are not usually the 'cream of the crop'. But I was ready! Between Zach and I we had everything out on the deck and ready to be loaded into the truck, I even had pre-cooked the potatoes for the hash browns we were planning to have for breakfast one of the mornings! We were ready! But then we didn't go.....So last weekend when the sky turned dark and the chance of rain was 70% we decided this time we were going anyway.

Setting up camp among the puddles...
Logan trying to dry out his sandals as it was sprinkling.... It poured during most of the drive up there and most things got wet - including the mattress Matthew and I had planned to sleep on=) Matthew somehow managed to keep the fire going and made supper in the rain. The rest of us huddled in the! Thankfully there was no rain that night but by the next morning it was back and everything was wet all over again. Not to mention the first 2 nights were COLD! But, all in all, it was everything camping should be and we had a good time.

Trying to keep our 'holey' tent from leaking....

The 'little people' and I spent quite a bit of time hanging out at the campsite while the older ones got to go fishing, go on a hike, hang out with some friends that were also there, and just enjoy being outdoors.

Matthew's goal when we go camping is to fish....

Logan's goal was to catch some craw fish....Here he is sharing his catch with his admirers....Jesse was wearing a square piece of mesh cloth that was part of the tent....he loves to have something on his head or face!
Alana, Jesse, Logan and I spent a short time on the beach. It happened between Jesse's bad diaper change which was followed by a meltdown and Jesse falling in the water followed by a meltdown=) During the short interlude I did get some cute pictures!Once the sun came out the last couple of days we were there it was really beautiful. Matthew and I also took a night hike underneath a very full, very bright moon! Very romantic=)

We finished up our weekend by getting together with two other families we know who also were camping at the same location. Sunday morning we had a service together and then they shared their lunch with us. It was a really good time of fellowship. Here's 2 pictures to close with.

Alana found an M-16 to play with while we were visiting!

The Browns - a family who no longer lives in the area so it was a real treat to spend some time with them.


Jonathan Johnson said...

We had a similar "rainy" camping experience lately. . .I'm sure it's just a bit different with one child instead of 5 :) Great pictures! Thank you for sharing :)