Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rapid City - growing up!

It seems like in the last couple weeks we've made more trips to Rapid City that we usually do. Rapid is the only city remotely close to us so when we have anything major to do as far as shopping we head up there. Hot Springs - 15 minutes away - has a small version of an expensive Wal-mart, a few restaurants and two small, and again expensive, grocery stores. So for anything else we head to Rapid. There is an average size mall there and most of the other usual stores you'd expect in a city but not much else. So - we are pretty excited about Rapid's newest arrival - our very own Cabela's! We went up the day before the grand opening since we are the privileged owners of a Cabela's club card=) Ooooh - Aaaah!

Anyway, here are some pictures from our visit. Also, there is a new strip mall coming to Rapid, too. So far the stores all look to be repeats of what we have or weird new ones that don't seem all that exciting, but we'll have to wait and see....oh the suspense!
They had the usual big display of animals which Jesse really enjoyed.

Monica was away at camp when we went but Zachery, Logan, and Alana were each allowed to take $10 out of their savings account and pick something to purchase.

Here is Alana with her special find - she actually played with one of these at a friends house and has been wanting one ever since!

The boys debated a while between popguns and a few other things but Logan ended up with a rubber band gun and Zach with a blow dart gun!Matthew and I split a bag of roasted almonds=)