Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary to us!

Yes, it is our anniversary. Several years ago we made a promise 'before God and the assembly' to love, honor, and cherish each other until death do us part. We have traveled down that road and kept that promise for eight years now. Lord willing, we will have the opportunity to keep on fulfilling that promise until He returns or one of us goes to be with Him. I'm am glad about the choice of man God had for me. He is not perfect but he is exactly the right fit for me, since I'm not perfect either! Our weaknesses and strengths fit together. The waters have gotten a bit choppy at times but we've enjoyed some smooth sailing as well - of course the five others riding along in the boat with us have made the cruise that much more interesting!

I'm not going to carry on about how much I love Matthew or about how wonderful he is....he already knows because I've told him before and I'll tell him again. I just want to thank God for our marriage and ask Him to stay at the center of it so that we can continue to celebrate these anniversaries with joy.


Melissa said...

Awe! For cuteness! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! happy Anniversary! Marriage is a blessing...better than we deserve!

Good to see you all a couple of weeks ago,

Stephanie said...

Amen and Happy Anniversary to you both!! (: