Friday, November 13, 2009

Recent things....

...that have made me smile~

-my baby's soft cheeks pressed up against mine


-Daddy took Jesse into town and had this conversation with him:

Daddy- "Here's a cookie for you, Jesse."
Jesse- "Thank you, Daddy! Where did you get it?"
Daddy - "From Miss Bethany in the CBI kitchen."
Jesse - "Can we tell her thank you, Daddy?"
Daddy - "I already did, now let's get ready and go to the bank."
Jesse - "Can we get a sucker there?"
Daddy - "Oh, probably."
Jesse - "Wow, Daddy, you are a really nice guy. God way up in heaven must have turned you into a really nice guy."

- time with my friend, Jenna

- evenings in the living room with my kids reading Laura Ingalls

-Daddy's who have a soft heart for their little girls

-Daddy's who buy Mommy's gift cards=)

- sunshine and falling leaves

-scrolling through some sweet pics of my 5 favorite people

-Veteran's! (and going on dates with them=)

-a successful batch of chocolate chip cookies

-sweet reminders from my Heavenly Father

-people who get to travel to Italy (ok, so that makes me a wee bit jealous too)

-bubble wrap

...that have made me sad~

- little girls with tears in their eyes that say "It breaks my heart to not see George ever again", mine too, sweetie, mine too.

-bad choices and their lousy consequences

-missing the girls in my family, "I love you Mom, Helaine and Sheena." (I miss the boys too)

-potty training....alright, that has made me just plain annoyed!

-packing up those last few baby items

-the thousands of miles between me and my Kristi Lynn

-mud (ok, so maybe I should have made a separate section for "annoyed")


sheenarozelle said...

awwwwwwwwwww thanks for the mention. i miss you, too. you've given me some inspiration for my blog... maybe (:

Anonymous said...

Very special post! :)