Saturday, December 20, 2008

A big day!

Yesterday was quite a big day in our house - it went by uncelebrated but it still deserves some attention. Monica finished 10th grade! As most of you know she is doing her 4 years of high school in 3 years so a year and a half ago she started 9th grade, and in another year and a half she will be done 12th grade. Graduation should be somewhere around May of 2010. She has worked hard at it and been diligent, most of the time, to get it all done - her school days are often very long! But after getting an A on 3 out of 5 finals she is enjoying Christmas break, along with the rest of us, and on January 5th she will start her junior year of high school. Way to go, Monica!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Monica on completing grade 10. Keep up the good work. Grammie in GA