Monday, May 18, 2009

Family Friendly Outings - Part 2

Another thing we were able to enjoy during our time here was a meal all together at my grandparents house. Not everyone was there, some had already headed home while others weren't able to be there but we still filled a big table and had a grand old time!

My Aunt Deanna and Uncle Steve - some of my favorite people!
And here are the antlers of the moose my grandmother shot a few years ago. I have two cousins who are game wardens and they, along with their families, took her out and spent several days tracking down and shooting a big moose.

And now back to family outings....One afternoon we went to the local YMCA and took the kids for a quick swim.

And another park picture...what nutcases!

We also spent a few hours in the Children's Museum in Bangor, ME. There were tons of things there and it seemed that it covered the ages of all our kids and kept them all amused.
Jesse watching the gross reptiles!
My personal favorite - locking up the children=)
Biker dudes!

Fisherman, I mean fishergirl, Alana and her catch. The house from "Good Night Moon".
Layla, chatting with her grandmother back home in Scotland.
Captain Jesse.
I thought women on board ship was bad luck....?
The dads even found some entertainment
And Alana was pleased as could be running her little restaurant. Layla in the giant mouth.The doctor is in!
And another favorite spot of Alana's - the spotlight - she loves being the star of the show!And this ends the part of our trip spent with the Rozelle side of the family. I've said it before but I can't say it enough - I am so thankful for my family. The wonderful thing is that all my family on both sides love and know the Lord, and the other wonderful thing is that it is also the same on Matthew's side of the family. His dad's father was known as a man who loved and served the Lord his whole life, my dad's grandfather lived into his 90's and is also still remembered as a man of God. So yes, I've said it before, but I've been reminded of it again....God has blessed our family over many generations and it is the hope and prayer of my heart that my 'children would walk in truth' and carry on the good name of the earthly families they belong to - but especially of their Heavenly Father.


9Browns said...

Hi Alicia,
It has been fun "sharing" your trip with your family.

A Godly heritage is a huge blessing! Something Rick and I do not have, but our prayer also, is that God will raise up more Brown servants of the Cross after us!

Grace to you,
Joan for the Browns