Saturday, May 9, 2009

Finally a real post!

Well, I've put off posting long enough....this may sound silly but I've been trying to think of how exactly to cover the last two weeks or so in an organized way without carrying on too long or rambling, etc. But I haven't come up with anything I'm just going to go chronologically - which may at times seem rather disjointed - it's just the easiest way for me to cover it all=)

Here are a few leftover pictures of our travel when we were still on our way to Maine - since Jesse wasn't running frantically to the bathroom like the rest of us were on our rest stops, he got to help Daddy pump gas.
All of us were so excited to get back to Maine and see our family again, but it seemed like the kids were just as excited to see those who we'd only said goodbye to a short while ago, as they were to see the ones it had been years since we'd seen. For example, the first 20 minutes after our arrival to 'Rozelle headquarters', Jesse did not move from Uncle Chad's shoulder=)During our stay we were all together in a house directly across the road from where we lived before moving to SD - Matthew went over and talked to the new owners who told us to come back at any time, so we took several walks down by the river just the way we used to 6 years ago=)

Kendrick thought he might need to have his camo paint on for our nature walk but the kids and I were the only ones to get 'into the spirit' with him.
He really hasn't grown that much taller - he was just higher up on the rocks=)The 'walk' is actually a snowmobile trail in the winter ( ITS 85, for those who are interested ) and at one end of it is this covered bridge about 1/2 mile from our old house which is a beautiful spot for pictures.
And in closing - when we stayed the night in Ohio on our way to Maine, Alana slept in a metal frame bunk bed. Shortly before going to sleep she rolled over and wacked her forehead on the frame, right between her eyes. Here she is a few days after it, the swelling had gone down quite a bit. Funny thing is, now, over a week later, the bruise is completely gone from her forehead but has traveled down by both of her eyes, up against the bridge of her nose. She was a funny sight for a while but has recuperated quite well! This sounds like deja' vu.....
From a distance it looked a bit like she had uni-brow=)


7harts01 said...

Great pictures! Poor Alana!=) Thanks for the update!