Friday, June 19, 2009


Today I was preparing a post about the life of our friend and neighbor, James Montgomery. I've mentioned him before, like in the very last post when James helped Monica with her car trouble and last year when he competed with Zach in the Egg Drop.

You see James was in a serious car accident on Wednesday afternoon. He has a pre-existing heart condition that may have played into the accident and by the next am we were being told that the brain scan showed absolutely no activity and it was only a matter of time - he would be disconnected from life support and he would go home to be with the Lord. Ever since hearing that we have been just waiting for the phone call to come saying James was gone....


Within this past hour our hearts have gone from heavy with grief to full of praise! Matthew spoke with James's mother who said that a miracle had taken place. The same doctor who said that there was no hope announced that he was now waking up and responding. PRAISE THE LORD! As of right now, James is sleepy but wakes on command, opens his eyes, recognizes people, answers questions by a squeeze of his hand (due to the ventilator tube in his throat) and has all of his reflexes! As you can imagine, there is no medical explanation for this - but, who needs one when we serve our Creator - HE alone knows the number of our days!

"Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sparing the life of our friend. Thank you for fulfilling your Word once again when you told us that the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. May we not forget to thank you!"


Jonathan Johnson said...

Praising God for this miracle, too!!