Saturday, July 11, 2009

Family Update

Right now my family is in the middle of some exciting times. Today seemed a good day for an update on what is going on in the life of my younger siblings=)

Why today, you ask? Well, because 8 weeks from this very day my sister Helaine will do what I did almost 9 years ago....change her last name! On September 5th she will marry Phil DeMarte and will no longer be a Rozelle, in name anyway=) We are so excited as the day gets closer and closer - she is marrying someone who has the same desire to serve the Lord as she does and what better 'match' could she have found than that!

And now to our next bit of exciting news....this one concerns Chad, the only one of my three brothers who had to put up with me his whole life and not just the last 10 years, in other words, the blessed one=) A few months ago Chad walked through an open door, a possibility that, although things looked promising, still took a step of faith. He spent time and energy over the last two months pouring himself into a ministry opportunity in Holyoke, CO. As of this past week he is officially their Assistant Pastor....! My little brother! Oh, I'm so proud I can hardly stand it. We wondered about where the Lord would lead him from when he was young....see, he was the kid that remembered to take tracts in along with the money to pay the cashier at the gas station, he was the teenager that started a Bible study at his public high school in Scotland despite the lack of interest, he was the one with the tender heart who has always stood staunchly in the corner of his mom and his sister. We are so excited for the Lord's perfect plan for his life! "Pastor Chad" cool is that!

There are also changes and updates as far as my brother Kendrick - first off he is no longer Private Rozelle, he is now PRIVATE FIRST CLASS Rozelle of the Marine Corps!! He was promoted last week after his well deserved break over the 4th of July weekend=) We, our whole family, is so proud of Kendrick as well. It was with trepidation that we watched him ship out back in January - into a world of things so foreign and so....worldly, for lack of a better world. But, he has taken these days where he dwells among the dark things of this world and has let his light shine brighter than ever. He has boldly witnessed to many people he has come in contact with, sharing the gospel and openly letting it be known that he is different, that he is a Christian. The Marine Corps is now his mission field! On Monday he starts classes - he will be training in the area of air traffic control and who knows what else during his time in Pensacola, Fl.

Of course the next one is Lincoln - he lives in a land far, far away so communication is sometimes sparse. But his upcoming plans include going back to college to get a degree in the business area, while trying to balance that with being the father of two (Layla and Elijah) and the husband of one (Sheena) =) I often wish they were closer so our families could spend more time together, but it just makes us look forward to seeing them all that much more. They stay busy with their family and have had such a ministry and a testimony to tons of young people over these past several years.

"Thank you, Lord for a family who knows and serves you!"


Stephanie said...

What a great update. Exciting times for everyone!! :)

Helaine DeMarte said...

just a reminder- you called today to remind me that in 3 weeks I'll be married- well the last time you posted, it was 8 weeks till I was getting married..... ! :)