Saturday, February 28, 2009

Kendrick Update

Well, the unheard of has happened! Kendrick was granted a phone call! He is now approaching the end of his fifth week of boot camp. I've received a couple letters, as have several other people, but aside from the initial call saying he had arrived safely, none of us really expected to hear his voice until the day of bootcamp graduation on April 24th. BUT - while the details are sketchy, we know that he was part of some sort of team/group of other recruits who were doing different swimming exercises/drills and he was in the winning/highest qualifying group of guys! He was therefore awarded a 5 minute phone call home=) Tuesday night my parents called to say they had heard from him and, while he sounded quite hoarse, he is doing pretty well overall. His platoon (2155) also won their first drill inspection and will be awarded a trophy by the senior drill instructor. We praise the Lord for this good news! Continue to pray for him as he has two more months to go. The Lord is using him and giving him opportunities to share Christ with others - it is amazing to see him become a shining light in a place of darkness!

Kendrick - we are so proud of you!

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine..."


Jonathan Johnson said...

Yahoo, Kendrick!! God bless you!