Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time with friends

Once again the time of year has rolled around when Cornerstone Bible Institute has their annual Bible Conference. The speaker is Mark Fisher, he is a CBI alumni who was in his senior year when Matthew came as a freshman. He is speaking through the book of Matthew and it is VERY good. Our friends, Jared and Sarah Berg, brought down their camper and are staying here with us for the week in order to be able to enjoy the conference as well. Needless to say it has been a fun, crazy time so far!
Monday was Jared and Sarah's 7th anniversary so they went in to the morning sessions at CBI and then went to Rapid City for an afternoon together (not exactly a romantic one since all they did was go grocery shopping with 2 month-old Hannah as a tag along - but with 4 kids you take what you can get). I made them a cake and babysat for the day and it was, for the most part, a pretty fun time. Here's the crew, except for Monica and Zach who have been going into all the sessions in the morning and doing their school work in the afternoon.

Logan - 6, Akayla - 5, Alana - 4, Malachi - 3, Jesse - 2, and Levi - 1.
The two little girls woke up Monday morning with a plan - to put on their matching dresses and be twins for the day - "princess" twins, to be exact. The little boys are still a bit young to do much playing together so they kind of each do their own thing until another one infringes on their territory and a small war breaks out.Logan is usually pretty good at entertaining himself or the small boys and as things progress throughout the day he usually ends up playing with Akayla and Alana once their 'princess time' is done.There are 3 kids in diapers in the house right now - here are two who I had to change at the same time=)In the midst of all the chaos we are still trying to get school done....it's been going OK, but Monica and Zach are the ones with the hardest time in that area since they have a few hours in the afternoon to get it done before we all pack up after supper and head in to the evening session.

Tuesday Sarah did the babysitting while I took my oldest four along with Akayla to a homeschool bowling activity. The 4 kids age 3 and under napped while the rest of us bowled. Matthew has been working his usual hours so it has made for a busy week, full of long days and late night, grumpy kids and tired parents...or maybe that's the other way around? But today is a nap day for one and all and we don't even have to make supper since we plan on attending the CBI Senior Class Chili Feed Fundraiser. But the busyness of it all is still worth some special times shared with friends - thank you, Bergs!


Helaine DeMarte said...

:) SO FUN! :) And Jared has a trimmed goatee...? :)
Loving the Blog still! :)

L said...

I'm loving your blog, too! Really enjoyed this post; must admit that the photo of Jesse made me laugh out loud, sorry! Probably feeling, 'Phew! OK, so I'm not the only one who has to deal with that kind of face each day!' Sx