Monday, December 7, 2009

A puzzling moment....

Today, as my young children played quietly in the background and the older ones worked diligently on their school work, I had a moment of domestic bliss. I was happily engaged in some of my household duties, enjoying the peace of the moment, content with my role in life as a homemaker.

As I was working away, Jesse walked into the room and began to tell me a story. He wanted to show me the manger scene that he was coloring. But as he was talking his eyes began to focus on what I was his tender age of 3 years he had no memories of seeing me ever do this before. He continued with his story but eventually he reached a point of distraction and could no longer hold back the question burning in his mind, interrupting himself he asked me,

"Mommy, what are you doing?"

"Ironing, son," I answered.

The air became heavy with the silent pause that followed....

"What is that?!"


sheenarozelle said...

ha ha, brilliant! not much ironing goes on here, either, except before an important meeting or something. Vive la revolution!