Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Walk

Although this post is entitled a "Sunday Afternoon Walk" and today is Sunday, it happened last week. Today it looked - and felt - quite different outside!!! But that is another story=)

We've enjoyed lots of Sunday afternoons with Jenna coming over, and often one or both of her roommates come with her as well. Jodie and Rachel are also now commonly seen with their laptops open and a snuggled up with a blanket in our living room. And sometimes we go for walks....which may be one of my favorite Sunday afternoon things to do. Except for on days like today when the high is 14 degrees!!

But back to our walk....we went on the road that leads out to the highway ( or the road on which you can escape Buffalo Gap ). It was Jodie, Jenna, Alana, and myself.We went specifically to see the horses that were out there and they obliged us by coming right over to the fence to visit, as well as giving us their photogenic smiles. We talked with them for quite a bit....
(notice Alana's "cat mask" which she wore for the entire time)Until we became entertained with our own shadows....
and decided to take some pictures of ourselves and not just the horses=)
We had fun=)
Unfortunately this Sunday was super fun as well, but I have hardly any pictures. More on that later....