For Thanksgiving this year we traveled up to the home of our good friends the Bergs, in Oshoto, Wyoming. Since most of the 6 Thanksgivings we've had here in SD have been without family we have enjoyed several with Jared and Sarah. This year probably tops the list as the most enjoyable, not to mention memorable=) We arrived on Wednesday and stayed through Saturday, having a great time each and every minute.
Our feast was quite tasty - spiral ham, seasoned mashed potatoes, cheesy broccoli casserole, and of course some pies, both apple and pumpkin.Akayla and Alana were eager to help out with the work in the kitchen so they got the job of peeling potatoes=)
Our little 3 kids are close in age to theirs so they had lots of fun together (most of the time=)
Here are the girls: Akayla, 6 Hannah, almost 1
And the boys:
Levi, 2 1/2 Malachi, 4 They entertained themselves both inside and out....
sandboxes, guns, ok, so that was just the big boys=) reading stories, playing games, more stories at bedtime, and then these two little cuties sharing a bed while Akayla read to Alana from her book, then waking up ready to do it all over again and play the next day! There are more stories I could tell but you just had to be there to appreciate certain things=) So I'll close with a video of the girls dancing their form of "ballet". Although we couldn't help but remember our last Thanksgiving in Lican Ray, Chile, we had a great time this year as well!
We are Matthew and Alisha Chamberland, parents of 5 children, and thus the name of this blog Stories of Seven. This blog is an attempt to chronicle a bit about our lives, our kids, our ministry, and whatever else may pop into my mind to write about. Matthew has a full time job as a general contractor as well as being the general director of Nehemiah Teams International. NTI is a mission we have started to take construction teams overseas with the goal of impacting missions both here and abroad, through the discipleship of the team members. I am a stay-at-home mom and my job is to homeschool our children and keep the house standing. Needless to say we are both pretty busy most of the time!
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