Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day #2

Dear Readers,
So today was interesting....but not really as 'bizarre' as I was expecting. I spent 8 hours sitting in a room with nine other people with names like Lorraine and Ernest and birth dates like 1942. I learned about PII's and filled out a D-308 form while looking over hundreds of other carbon copied sheets of paper. I signed my name dozens of times and swore an oath with my right hand raised. I promised, as a citizen of these United States, never to divulge any information that I may collect in my job as an ETL (enumerator of transient locations). I must take all of it to my grave and keep it under lock and key if at any time it is out of my sight....don't ask me for any more details, because, like, I'd have to kill you. I was fingerprinted by a Mrs. Shoot An Arrow (not even kidding!) and got strange looks when I mentioned that this was the second time in my life that had happened to me. I just about went crazy every time the word 'statistics' came up and was changed to 'stastistics' by our teacher, along with the interchangeable 'personal' for 'personnel'. I was congratulated on finding a typo in the government handbook we were issued to explain the importance of our role in the 2010 Census, carrying on the tradition our forefathers established in 1790. My guess, though, is that they didn't have 3 days of training with misspelled words in their handbook. And now I am holed up in my room, hoping that Mrs. Room #27 doesn't snore as much tonight. The TV is on and I just finished eating the individual size pizza from the gas station across the highway. And that is my update for you all....the story of my day. Meanwhile, my kids are home, being tucked into bed by their Daddy who will watch a few episodes of '24' before we get on the phone and say good night to each other....