Monday, March 22, 2010

My Job

So my job is completed! After three days of extensive, strenuous training I put in a total of 10 hours of work that are now behind me. It actually went pretty well, except for a few awkward moments this morning when I made a phone call to Matthew just to have an excuse to get out of breakfast with my very insistent co-worker. I'd already had breakfast at home and remained firm in my decision to let him go eat alone despite the convincing argument that "pretty girls drink coffee too, don't they?" I also drive down enough streets in Edgemont to know that I don't have to weigh the pro's and con's for too long to know that I'd rather just stay here where I am in Buffalo Gap=) And while my great service to these United States has come to a close, the oath that I swore in that restaurant bathroom of the now distant Kadoka, SD, lives on. So despite my desire to share with you more detailed stories of my various encounters, I cannot....

On a more serious note, I am SOOO glad to have it behind me for one reason alone. I didn't mind the training too much, the actual work itself wasn't bad, the creepy coworker ratio was relatively low...but I missed being here, at home, where I belong. I felt so guilty being gone when Matthew was offered work, guilty when Alana would cry on the phone saying she was sad she couldn't hug me good night, even more guilty when our friend James died and I knew all the things that Matthew was having to deal with as a result of that, guilty when I came home to a huge grocery list, an empty fridge, and a menu that had consisted of lots of macaroni and cheese. I belong here, in my home, filling my role as wife, homemaker, and mother and all the things that those titles mean. There is nothing more fulfilling to me than that! Now, don't get me wrong, the Lord provided this temporary job at the time that we needed it and I am grateful. I am just even more grateful that His role for me is not driving around interviewing and counting people, but being here at home=) I LOVE YOU, FAMILY!