Sunday, November 2, 2008

Beach time

This weekend has brought us some very nice weather! And, as it worked out, on both Friday and Saturnday afternoon we ran out of some construction materials so the afternoons were spent relaxing. On Friday Danny was able to get in touch with someone who had a couple kayaks and a rowboat that they let us borrow for free! The kids got their first taste of the water and the grownups got to take a break as well.

Can it get any more beautiful?Enjoying the kayaks...Relaxing in the shade...
Bathing beauties....

Today we went to the morning service at the church that Dan and Liz attend in Villarrica. The kids each went to their Sunday school classes and must have done well because they came back about an hour later with smiles on their faces.

On the weekends Liz and I are in the kitchen since the cooks take a break and go home. It's been interesting trying to cook on the stoves they have here and with just a different set up than either of us are used to. But everyone has been patient and haven't complained to much about our attempts=) Thankfully the guys have done a lot as well since we can't even light the stove! It's been fun! Things are a bit harder, they take longer, and just not as convenient as our American way but I wouldn't have it any other way. Working alongside friends and sharing this experience with our family has been loads of fun.