While here at Lican Ray we share our space with lots of other creatures. The kids spend lots of time finding animals, bugs, birds, and whatever creeping, crawling thing they can get their hands on. Here are some pictures of the many they've come across.
Here Selah was playing with 'Pelusa' (or hairball) which is the caretakers dog. She had fun swimming out and trying to chase the ducks.
Selah also enjoys playing with Bruno, the Thompsons cat - I'm not sure how much he enjoys it, though.
While Selah is my favorite, Bruno is definitely a fun cat - he cuddles up in the cutest places!
Then there are the in-between ones, they're sort of pets but not as cute and cuddly. The Thompsons have some chickens, little ones and some full grown ones they've transported out here to camp as they are living here instead of traveling back and forth every day.
Then there are the not so cute and cuddly! Here they are gathered around to look at some frogs they caught ~
Logan and Micah found a cupful of these guys ~ OUCH!
While at the beach a few days ago Logan found a crab ~ and yes, that container is what you think it is=)
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