Thursday, November 6, 2008


Since arriving we have had our share of 'accidents'. They've ranged from owies and booboos, to some on a larger scale of pain and discomfort. Yesterday we had a couple and one time we took a picture - it was quite impressive! So, to add to our list here is Matthias - he was playing outside on some lumber and fell headfirst into a board. He cried for a bit but after that it just didn't seem to hurt him anymore. He even let me put some ice on it while he watched with a little handheld mirror.

Isn't that amazing!
Today Matthew also had another injury - he dropped a board onto his foot that had a nail in it which pierced through his shoe and into the top of his foot, he was pretty sure the bone stopped it. He's had several other close calls with falling trees and hauling logs. Shortly after we arrived he came in with blood trickling down his face from what looked like his eye. Right in the inner corner of his eye he'd hit himself with the hammer when it hit and rebounded at an awkward angle. The longer this paragraph gets the more I wonder if we shouldn't have gotten insurance for him down here=) We've had Justin smack his finger with a hammer, Greg fall through some unfinished stairs and scrape his shins and also hammer himself full on in the knee, and the list could go on....

Also, this seems like a good time to update on Alana's feet. She is doing VERY well. In the evening we go through a little ritual of soaking her feet and putting some cream on them but she rarely complains any more even when I'm doing that. My concern at this point is to try and keep the blisters clean. They've all burst so there are lots of areas of exposed skin that are hard to keep clean here at camp!Please excuse the state of undress...

We are so thankful for God's protection! The near misses have been almost as scary as the accidents that actually happened. We know that prayers are being answered!


Jonathan Johnson said...

Glad to know that Alana's feet are healing. . .and a big OUCH echo for all the other injuries y'all have experienced! Take care! :)