Monday, August 31, 2009

Girl Time!

Alana Joy made a decision this past week. She wanted, OH SO BADLY, to have her ears pierced. But here is the funny part....Matthew and I went to Rapid last week with Logan and Alana for several items, specifically wedding shoes for the ring bearer and flower girl of Helaine's upcoming wedding. While we were there we walked past a jewelry store with an add for "Free Ear Piercing". I asked Alana if she'd want to do that someday and her answer was "No way! I am never getting my ears pierced!" Well....just a few short days later (during the time 6-year old Akayla Berg with pierced ears was here visiting) she woke up from a nap announcing she was desperate to have it done! So, hey, she's a girl - she can change her mind, right?!?!

Well, lucky for her, I was already planning a girl's trip to Rapid so this Saturday Alana got her ears pierced. Jenna came along with us and added to the fun of the day - as you'll see in the pictures that follow she, too, became inspired=)
I'll tell you the truth....I was almost certain that once Alana arrived in the store she'd change her mind, and if that didn't happen - well, she'd certainly chicken out when the lady pulled out the gun-like needles used to do the piercing, and if that didn't happen - well, then we'd have a loudly crying little girl that we had to make sit still for ear #2 once the first one was in and she understood what it was really going to feel like.....BUT I WAS WRONG!!! This is Alana about 2 seconds after both ears were done and this is what she looked like throughout the entire process! What a cute little trooper! I underestimated my growing up little girl=)And then there was Jenna....well, you can see the face SHE made during the ordeal=)Here are the two daring souls smiling together, I didn't get a good picture of the actual earrings for either one of them. (Not to mention my camera has had a mind of its own lately as you can tell by the sub-par quality of the picture below - I'm not doing anything different - it just decides to go blurry as opposed to clear whenever it feels like it!)We had a fun day hanging out just us girls! Having Jenna along made if even more fun for me to just be able to chat and hang out with a friend while enjoying my girls, too. Thanks Monica, Alana, and Jenna=)


7harts01 said...

Sounds like such a fun day! Way to go Alana! (And you too Jenna!=)