Thursday, March 26, 2009

Excerpts from #4

Today we received a letter from Kendrick. This makes 4 letters in the two months he's been gone. Honestly, I'd like better odds but I'm soooo glad to hear from him at all that I'm not complaining. I'm also aware of the fact that he's a tad busy! But, as I haven't mentioned him in a while, here is an update from Kendrick himself=) I took bit's and pieces from his letter and wrote them out below. firing week was boring...but shooting was fun...I qualified as a sharpshooter...we were out in the field learning land nav...both day and night. There were flares and boomers (loud "grenade" explosions) and it was fun, though pretty exhausting. We ate a lot of MRE's...

I learned that being really white is not helpful when putting on cami paint....

Church was good this morning....all that were there heard the gospel....Please pray...that us Christians would have an opportunity to reinforce the truth...

The Lord has been teaching me that no matter what He is all I need....God keeps reminding me that if I am seeking Him and I am where He wants me to be then I am/should be content and at peace.

Please request that we have chocolate chip banana bread while in Maine, that would be awesome...

I will write again as soon as possible as time is not in abundance here unless we are standing in line for hours doing nothing, but oh well. That's the military "hurry up and wait."

Miss you all and can't wait to see you.....Kenny G

Kendrick graduates April 24th from bootcamp and although he is getting close to the end there is a still a lot of hard work left to get through between now and then so please continue to keep him in your prayers.
In case you forgot what he looks like...they'll both love this picture=)


Anonymous said...

Those two make one sweet couple! Thanks for sharing Kendrick's thoughts/happenings these days! We'll continue to uphold him in prayer. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alisha, love the picture!!!
4 weeks!!!

Recruit Chad's Mom said...

hi, alisha!

this is cindy williams, from platoon son chad is in with kendrick. well, i'm organizing a prayer chain with lots of other Marine families on the site. there are 3 spots left for people to sign up. just wondering if you'd be interested....

we heard from our son, who is currently platoon guide, and he said the platoon is doing well. they are very busy. this week they will be tested A LOT on stuff they learned and also another PFT.

let me know if you're interested in the prayer chain. you can e-mail me at!

God bless!
cindy :)