Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun just drove away

Early this morning Helaine and Phil hopped in his car and drove away - beginning the 16 hour trek back to Northland. Of course, then Phil has to turn around and make another trip back to his house in MN, which is another 4 - 5 hours or so....Pray for good weather!
I have to say again what a HUGE treat it was to have them here. I haven't been surprised like that in a long time, if ever, and it was definitely a good surprise. The last few days of the visit I didn't keep up with the blog and the basic reason for that was it came down to a choice...sleep or blog - and you can tell what won=)
Thursday night was where I left off and honestly - the less said about our girls night out the better. Let's just say it's comforting to know some secrets will go with us to our graves=) The tell-tale pictures have already been deleted and as Jenna so eloquently put it: "Well, at least the pictures are forever lost and left only in the etches of our minds to slowly fade with time!!! the rest of the night...that's another story!" Let me just say I haven't laughed like that in years! And I think we will leave it at that....
Friday we had a regular day just here at the house doing school work with the kids, pretending to catch up on housework and other things while Helaine and Phil spent the day together with his parents. The DeMarte's will only be here another few weeks before they head back to MN in anticipation of soon going back to Fiji.
Saturday we planned a morning trip to the park but it was soooo freezing cold we didn't even take pictures - our hands were too cold to come out of our pockets. We hung out at the library for a while and then came home - that evening I made homemade pizza (two veggie, two regular) and we filled our table again with our family and Chad, Helaine, Phil, and Jenna. We finished off the evening with a movie and went to bed usual.
Sunday afternoon Phil and his parents came over for lunch, as well as Jenna, and we had a nice visit with them then lazed (is that a word?) and napped the rest of the afternoon. Last night I had Helaine to myself for the last little bit of her visit and it was fun again to get to have a sister around and enjoy some 'girl' time.
I think that pretty much sums up the last couple of days - so now we are looking forward to our trip to Maine when this same group of people will be together again BUT THIS TIME so will the rest of the family that we missed more than ever this past week.

"Can't wait to see you Dad and Mom, Lincoln, Sheena, Layla, and Elijah, Chad, Helaine and Phil, Kendrick and Jenna!!!"