Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring #5

This state is sooo weird, and a bit frustrating, as far as the weather goes. Last week it snowed 3 days straight and now the weather has warmed up into the 50's so the snow is melting and turning our yard (and town) into a mud hole...again. This usually continues to happen over and over again into April or May. AHHH! I have 5 kids and 2 dogs - need I say more!!

But despite that aggravation it is nice for the kids to have days where they can run around outside and play in the warm weather. They come in completely covered in mud but yesterday it was especially fun since Aunt Helaine and Phil, as well as Chad, were outside playing with them.
Some people played basketball...

Others their own special form of the game...

While others dug holes in the driveway with bicycle seats....everyone does that right?

Jesse woke up during that time and came out with his blanket.... Soon after that he got some shoes on and was happy to play with whatever kind of ball he could get his hands on.After the 'basketball' game we headed over to the tire swing. It's one of the kids favorite things!

An attempt was made to put two kids on at a time but that didn't work too well for very long

So Alana got to swing alone...while Jesse went back to his favorite toy!Logan also tried out the tire swing and showed us some of his signature moves - this is one he calls "Marshmallow on a Stick"!The kids just had fun running around outside and finding stuff to do so that they could show off to Chad, Helaine, and Phil.The "Star Wars ninja" pose....?Monica likes finding the stars in the middle of the cottonwood branches that cover our yard.We are thoroughly enjoying Auntie Helaine's visit so far. Last night Jenna came over as well and we stayed up too late watching a movie and eating ice cream. Stay tune to find out about tonight's plan....I'll just say it involves a double date=)