Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Late Night Phone Call

At exactly midnight last night, 11pm California time, our phone rang. Matthew answered and this is almost exactly what we heard,

"This is Kendrick Rozelle. I have safely arrived at MCRD in San Diego where I will be until April 24th. The next time you hear from me will be by mail in about 2 to 3 weeks. I am in good health. This is Kendrick Rozelle."

That was it! Barked out loud and clear we heard him for less than 30 seconds and he hung up the phone. No chance to ask him if he was OK, no chance to tell him we had been praying and would continue to do so.....It took Matthew a while to calm me down after that! But let me say I wouldn't have it any other way. The Marine Corps has been doing things their way for over 200 years and it has worked - these are our front line boys and the training they receive over the next three months is what makes them the very best! It sure is going to be a long wait at the mailbox....


Helaine DeMarte said...

Thank you for sharing that Alisha! Wish I could have heard that... you're right- a long long wait!
love you!