Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Grody Story

Today is one of those post when my proud mother's heart finds itself tripping over my weak, queasy stomach....

Thanks to a great friend (!), Zachery was given a gift....a gift of roadkill. Last week he inherited a dead raccoon....I know, this is a great story, isn't it? Over the next couple of days he figured out and successfully did manage to skin it....tail, paws, and head still attached, just like he wanted. I really do think it's cool, I really do. But just that LOOK AT IT!!!!!!!

I mean, look! It's absolutely gross!! But it is good for him and I am proud of watching him conquer the task and figure out how to do it, I've even given nice compliments and pet the skin of it once he was finished. Monica won't even touch it and whenever it is mentioned she declares it a gross, yucky thing. Now, while I agree with her, I am trying to still let Zach know how cool I really DO think it is that he's done this....So please, don't judge me when I tell you that when I found it, laying bloody side down on his school desk with his laptop gently nestled between it's four claws, I told him to get that thing outside and went up the stairs hollering, "I'm going to go puke now...." I'm trying....I really am!


7harts01 said...

I have to say, that's gross, I'm sorry, and good job!=)