Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Monica and Jesse visit the outdoors

The week of Christmas our weather started to get kind of weird. It often is crazy out here (for example on Saturday we were in the negatives and now tomorrow says a high of 50), but this time it took on a whole new look we'd never seen.

Drawn by a combination of the winter scene outside and the ponies in our neighbor's yard, Monica took a rascally Jesse on a walk. It was our first South Dakota ice storm!
It was just he beginning of what has been be the worst winter for travel any of us here have had in a loooong time!
At the time of these pictures it really hadn't gotten all that cold yet and, as you can see, there was very little snow on the ground. But Jesse was up to no good so Monica took pity on me and took him outside. He suddenly was a much happier camper! And yes, he is wearing a pink and purple, fuzzy scarf; he's also been wearing a pink pair of Alana's hand me down boots all winter, too.
Our 4-legged friends were pretty shaggy looking in their winter coats!

Monica took all the pictures of their frosty outing - but as you'll see in future posts, 'global warming' was just getting started!
PS - Please overlook the nose in drastic need of a tissue and dwell instead on the fact of how cute my oldest and youngest are...=)