Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Redneck Bash!!!

Last Friday night our church put on another one of it's crazy theme was called the Billy Bob party or the Redneck Bash. The pictures will pretty much tell the story! Here's the hottie I went with.And here is the scariest man that I saw there....Jerry Wright, paired up with his lovely wife, Darlene.

Entire families were affected....these four here are all related. But then again, everyone is related in Redneckville, right?
Here's the big happy family!
Our beautiful friend, Jodie, and our handsome son, Jesse!
The highlight of the evening was getting to play several rounds of B-I-N-G-O!!! We each brought some redneck food to share, and I have to say it was the least appetizing pot luck our church has ever had....sorry, but that's the facts. I took some deviled eggs with the yellow yokes dyed green=)

We also all brought contributions for the redneck garage sale, including such tempting items as a chandelier, a partridge skin, a deer foot, and a potty seat (taken by yours truly). The winners of the Bingo were allowed to pick their prize from the table of goodies!

Our Bingo caller was an expert, calling out the lucky numbers for all to hear.

And although we didn't have the winningest bunch at our table we still had a bunch of winners!
Liz Johnson....
And Jodie and Rachel were among them!
Jesse didn't play Bingo but that didn't keep him from being enthralled by the Bingo lady and the Bingo he is just after Daddy told him to stay away from it and not touch=)
Daddy was hard at work, concentrating over his numbers. It worked too, he won about 4 or 5 times. I was not so lucky, I won one time about 2 minutes before they ended the evening BINGO game!
Every once in a while we had a winner at our table - it was VERY exciting!!!!

Finally when things were coming to a close for the evening Jesse got to check out the 'machine'! Pastor Matt held him up there, turned it on, and let Jesse figure things out.
The evening was quite fun and enjoyed by all, all except Monica and Alana who stayed home and didn't feel well. So here we are ~ Mr. and Mrs. Hillbilly!
And a couple extra pictures for your viewing enjoyment - I stole these from Facebook so they are really small, but perhaps that is best=)


Anonymous said...

lol :)