Thursday, January 28, 2010

Randy's visit

Last week, on the day of THE birthday to be exact, a surprise walked through the door! Matthew's oldest brother, Randy, came out for a visit=) We had a super time while he was here just visiting and catching up. We didn't do a whole lot during the time he was here, he was happy to just go with Matthew and join in whatever he was doing, or hang out with the kids here at the house.

It was a real treat for the kids to have some time with Uncle Randy, the younger two had only seen him one other time this past May when we were visiting Maine. They hit it off then and seemed to pick right back up where they left on when he was here. They seemed to never give him a moment of peace....Alana especially enjoyed using him as her climbing post=)

Randy brought each of the kids something - a special gift that had been picked with each one in mind. Monica was given a pink Red Sox baseballl hat, and Alana and Jesse were given giant sized pens which they think are way cool! Logan was given something really neat - a baseball glove that was Uncle Randy himself had used. Then Zachery's was cooler still - he got a buck knife that had been Randy's for about 30 years. Matthew remembers being a boy and wanting the cool new knife his big brother had. Needless to say it was pretty special=) The next day Logan had more fun playing catch than he ever had before!
Chances are he went home tired=) Anyway, thanks Uncle Randy, for coming all this way and staying with us for a week. We loved having you here....there were a few sad faces the morning after you left!