Friday, February 1, 2008

Bowling Time

Yesterday Matthew and I took the kids bowling with a group of homeschoolers from our area. There is a rather informal group that we are part of and we try to organize at least one get-together/activity per month. It's fun for the kids and usually a nice break for the moms as well.

The older two spent most of the time talking and hanging out with their friends....
Bowling was just something to do in between all the 'gabbing'.
Logan and Alana used a ramp most of the time....with different levels of 'precision'.

She had this reaction for one pin down or for all ten!

She and Jesse discovered the little fan thing and put on quite a cute show for everyone.

Daddy trying to give Logan some pointers.

And Jesse just found other things to do, like hang out with Mommy, or try and get the gumball machine to give him something.

A good time was had by all....until Daddy had to leave early. After that it was debatable whether or not Mommy had a good time trying to keep an eye, and a hand, on everyone!


7harts01 said...

I can't wait till the next thing! I'm going to try and get hooked up again! It looks like so much fun and I know the kids would have a blast!