Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Yummy breakfast

This morning for breakfast our family enjoyed some homemade muffins. Those that know me know that I don't really like to 'do' breakfast and the kids usually have cereal, toast, or some other labor-free breakfast meal. But I have something most of my friends/peers don't have - kids who are old enough to come into the kitchen and make something on their own (and clean it up). All that to say "Thanks, Zach, for breakfast - it was yummy!" Last night he made up a dozen blueberry jelly-filled muffins and we devoured them.


7harts01 said...

Oh for the day! I can't wait to have some help with the cooking, well and the cleaning, and the laundry!=) I know it will come too soon and I will wish the kids were not so grown up! Damon has been "helping" with the dishes the last few days. He feels pretty important!=)

Helaine DeMarte said...

Zach, anytime you feel the urge, feel free to send me some of your jelly filled muffins, or anything else you make at home for that matter. :)