Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I've been following a certain blog lately and I've just come across something that I can't get out of my head. It's something that has really bugged me in the past so, as a warning, I'm about to get up on a soapbox....The Lord is doing some really great things in this situation (on this certain blog) and the comment was made by a pastor "Go, God!" Is it just me, or does that bother anyone else? Who are we to become so casual in our mention of the Creator of this earth that we act as if He needs cheerleaders on His side. It's as if we are congratulating Him. Whether we exist to proclaim His praises or not HE IS STILL GREAT, so much so that the rocks would cry out if we kept silent. How come we can be as casual as the rest of the world when mentioning His HOLY name? The scribes of old wouldn't even re-use the same pen again once they used it to write the name of Jehovah, and some Christians use it as casually as the unsaved. There are country songs that we applaud because they make meniton of "the man upstairs" or "tip their hat to the keeper of the stars". Do you think God sits back on His royal throne and smiles thinking how nice it was that some famous country singer mentioned Him in his latest hit? It is a HOLY NAME! There is power in just the mere mention of it! I love the song that says "God forbid that I find you so familiar that I think of you as less than who you are. God forbid that I should think of you at all without a humble reverence in my heart." So, right now, I feel the need to come before Him, with my head bowed and my knees bent....someday so will everyone else! Let us be an example as that day draws ever nearer.


7harts01 said...

I could not agree with you more! I don't think I had ever really got the true depth of, "even the rocks will cry out My name" until this weeks Bible study! Always amazing to me (I know it shouldn't amaze me! He is God!)how I can hear something over and over that never really sticks out to me, and God can make it new, exciting, and powerful at different times! Even His Perfect Holy Name that we have heard used all around us from the time we were little, in Christian circles, and non. God's name has not changed, but we can choose to change our attitude toward His name and let Him show us the real power and greatness in it!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with your comments about "The Holy Name". It refreshes me entirely to read my personal sentiments so aptly expressed. Thank you.
Your mother

Stephanie said...

Excellent reminder ...