Monday, February 25, 2008

A rite of passage

Silly as it will seem to 99.9% of all who read this I feel the need to share it. This weekend I experienced a first. I'm somewhat comfortable in my role as chief cook, menu-planner, and dessert maker for this family....however, the territory of baking which requires yeast is not one that I consider to have 'conquered'. Admittedly I've made bread in recent years that is quite edible, but I've also made some that was a flop. One of the things I've been afraid to attempt over the years was cinnamon rolls. If you were a fly on the wall over the past several years of my life you would have heard me say "I've never made cinnamon rolls" numerous times (actually I probably would have flattened you, but....) Many times I've been told it was easy but I've heard that before and it's not always the truth! But, this weekend, feeling brave and unburdened by any watchful eyes (except those of a 5, 3, and 1 year old) I delved into the unknown and crossed yet another threshhold deeper into the world of ...baking. Here are the results! By the time breakfast was over six people had devoured 20 cinnamon rolls.
I am proud.


Stephanie said...

Yummy, I want some! Good for you!!

7harts01 said...

They look wonderful! I've tried once or twice, but never had them turn out like your looked! I will have to try them again soon! I am becoming braver with yeast myself the last month or so and I think I'm getting the hang of it!

Anonymous said...

I told you they weren't that hard to make.