Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

To my one true love!

Matthew, I just wanted to do or say something of significance on this special day. You and I both know we often let special days like this go by without doing anything out of the ordinary. And while that may be the case yet again I wanted you to know that it doesn't change the way I feel about you. But then nothing does....So whether it is Valentine's Day or the 4th of July I love you just as much. The stage we are at might not allow us to go on week long cruises in the Bahamas but it still lets us snuggle up together at the end of every day and breath a sigh of relief that, once the craziness of the day is over, we have each other to lean on. Thank you for being my strong one, my lover, my hero, my leader, my husband,....but most of all my best friend. I love you - Happy Valentine's Day!


7harts01 said...

Very sweet picture! I think for the picture last night you should have done the same thing! Matt looks all clean shavin' just like he does in this pic!