Monday, February 11, 2008

I love the baby stage!

Every one loves a baby - and our family is no exception. I love having a little one at any age but it seems the older they get the more they tend to rub their siblings the wrong way. Well, Jesse hasn't reached that stage yet, so for the most part, he's enjoyed by all. Here are some recent pictures of him enjoying being a 15 month old.

He has a favorite blankie, thanks to Aunt Belinda, and he had it out in the living room wanting nothing more that to just enjoy cuddling with his brothers and sucking his thumb.
Unfortunately they have other ideas of what boys do with time on their hands....And they turned Jesse's blanket time into a wrestling match!What's a boy to do?

He also loves animals and will often lay down right beside them thinking maybe they'll talk to him on his level. Our cat isn't usually to excited about that!

But, Asha, our friends new puppy, was a bit more layed back. How cute are they!The moral of the story for me is this ~ 'enjoy your baby while he's still little'. I know the day is coming soon when it will be the last diaper, the last night in his crib, the last time he needs me to help him tie his shoes...So, even when the days get long with five kids running around under foot, I wouldn't have it any other way for now.

PS - I love you guys, each and every one, no matter what stage your in. ~Mommy


Jonathan Johnson said...

Way special, Alisha! :) Thanks for the reminder to enjoy each moment! :)

7harts01 said...

I was just thinking about all the cuteness tonight and how fast it will change! Truen was being a goof ball and just being....well Truen! I love this stage!=)