Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Welcome Home

Back on January 30th I wrote a very happy post about the completion of the sale of my parents house, on the market for over a year. Well, around mid-March they closed again - this time purchasing a new home of their own...finally. My Mom was so excited to have her things around her again and sleep in her own bed and be settled. I've been waiting to get some pictures so I could have something to post and yesterday my dad sent a bunch! It was so much fun to take a visual tour through their house and I CAN'T WAIT to get down there and see it 'for real'=)

So, here we go on a little tour. Through the front door...

into the living room...
and the kitchen...
which is by the dining room...
and the sun room where the piano is. Mom can't survive very long without her piano to play.
And finally here is the whole front of the house. Welcome home, Mom and Dad!


Helaine DeMarte said...

WOOOHOOO I am glad to see it finally! :)

Stephanie said...

It's beautiful! I'm happy for them. :) Btw, Alisha, I need to talk to you about homeschooling sometime!

7harts01 said...

YEA! It looks beautiful! I bet you can't wait to get out there are see it! I am very excited for them!