Monday, April 21, 2008

Our days with nine...

Our blog, Stories of Seven, is so titled because there are seven people in our family. Well, for a couple days last week we got to see what it would be like with nine. Our friends, Tod and Tarin, had to leave the state for the funeral of a family member and we watched Damon, 5, and Torianna, 3 while they were gone. (Did I spell Tori right?) Anyway, our kids had lots of fun and we had two very busy days! We went to the library, played Nintendo, baked cookies, ate cookies, watched two movies, played in the sandbox, rode on the tire swing, put on make-up, took naps, got out every match box car in the house, ate more cookies, went to visit the horses, played dolly, climbed trees, had a birthday party, took baths, did lots of laundry (ok, that one was just me), played catch....and I can't remember what else. In the end it was a good time but required some serious naps for them all to recuperate=)





As usual, when things get busy (and when she finishes her schoolwork) Monica pitches right in and helps in whatever way she is asked to AND, here's the cool part, she helps in a lot more ways where you don't even have to ask, she just does it. I was glad, yet again, to have her here to help out last week.


Melissa said...

Way to go Alisha! Wish I could have been at those parties!

7harts01 said...

Those are some pretty cute kiddos you were watching!=) Thank you so much again Alisha! The pictures are great! I'm so glad that they all got along and had fun!