Monday, June 2, 2008

Animal Friends

A new pet has been added to our house - actually, to our yard. While driving into town the other day I saw a turtle crossing the road so I stopped, picked it up, and took it back for the kids to see. They were, of course, enthralled! The first question was whether or not we could keep it. Daddy was in the air flying to Atlanta at the time but when he phoned later we asked and got permission=) Anyway, it has been good for the kids to have something extra to occupy their time. I'm not sure that 'Buddy' (or 'Sam' depending on who you ask) is as happy to be here as they are to have him here!

Anybody recognize what kind of turtle it is? Zach looked it up in his reptile book and seemed to have found a match but it said they only lived in the southern part of the US.
Also, we often have squirrels around our house but Zachery happened to capture them on the camera this time and took some pretty good pictures!