Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Morning at the Park

With Daddy gone Mommy tries to think of anything to make the day go by it happened to be yardsale-ing=) The kids and I drove into town and hit some big bargains. We spent a total of $2.10 and got some real finds. I'll do another post soon to show you some of the goodies but here's a hint - the kids are going to model them! I did buy 2 suitcases for 25 cents each. After that I dropped the kids off at the park so I could run some errands uninterrupted and they could let off some steam.
Here they are - all five of my kiddos!

Logan and Alana ended up matching today so they were especially cute=)Another weird Logan face -Jesse had fun playing but I think his highlight might have been when Uncle Chad stopped by=)I think the older 2 enjoy it just as much - they get especially goofy if there are no other kids around.

Nothing like the swings!

This evening we'll all go to a birthday party, tomorrow we'll be busy with church, Monday I have a list of errands to run in town for Matthew, then it will be Tuesday....and so the days will go by=) Hopefully very quickly!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Chad and Jesse at the park. Can't replace my boys, no matter what.