Friday, May 16, 2008

Track and Field Day

Today was a different kind of day for our family. A Christian school/home school track and field meet was held on a college campus up in Rapid City for kids from Kindergarten to 8th grade. We registered for it a month ago and thought we could make it an event for the whole family. Things changed once the actual day rolled around and it ended up that I took up Zach and Logan while everyone else stayed home. Matthew worked for a bit in the a.m. and then came home, in the meantime Monica babysat the youngest two who have been sick for a few days. Not sure whose day was longer - hers or mine! I'm thankful she could stay since Alana and Jesse would have been miserable. The boys competed in 4 events each and we got there at 8 and didn't leave until after 3p.m. Let me just say there was a LOT of waiting involved. It was a pretty fun day for the boys, though. The drawback was the hot sun and the bleacher seats=) But I got some pictures and thought I'd show you their athletic spirit in action!

As I mentioned we did a lot of sitting and waiting - in the bleachers,
and on the field.
I even got bored and did some experimenting with my camera!
But when you have about 500 people you just have to learn to wait your turn!
In the afternoon things started to go a bit quicker, the boys had their field events in the morning and their track events in the afternoon. Zach did some stretching before his 400 meter run.
Here's Logan winding up for what turned out to be third place in the softball throw.
Zach on the starting line...
Logan holding a ribbon...
Both boys ran in the final event of the day - a four man relay race, Zach helped his team place second. I caught the baton hand-off!
The boys did well both in being patient and in having a good attitude - first place winners if you ask me!


7harts01 said...

Oh man! I remember going to those track days! How funny is that! I don't remember if I actually competed or not, but I remember watching the kids! Too funny! It looks like the boys had fun! I will have to look into going next year! I hope the little ones are feeling better soon! My kiddos still have a little bit of the smokers cough going on, but thankfully no more fevers! See you tomorrow!

lovinthefam said...

Both of our kids were in track all through middle and high school. In the good years we came away with a nice tan and 'bleacher butt'. In the rainy years we came away with wrinkled skin and 'bleacher butt'. Best of all we enjoyed the company of others who were there for the same reason. You get to the point where you just as well take a deep breath and deal with time on your hands because you can't make it go faster=)So - enjoy the time you have watching your kids!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures of the track and field day. Both winners in my opinion. Must have been such a fun day for them. Mom & Grammie

Alisha said...

To 'lovinthefam' - whoever you are - hope I didn't give the impression that I didn't enjoy the day because we all did. And I loved every minute of watching them, thus all the pictures=)

Helaine DeMarte said...

sweet pics 'Lish, and I love your hair in your self-portrait! :)

Helaine DeMarte said...

O, and nice new (big) sunglasses! :)