Thursday, October 23, 2008

Every Day Life

Every day life around here is a bit different than usual - regular tasks take on a new twist. The first few days we were here, when it was raining, Jamie and I were getting close to serious problems with our laundry. We do have a washing machine here at camp but no dryer so we had to try and dry things by hanging them up in the dining room and getting the fire as hot as we could. We had many a meal with clothes and 'unmentionables' hanging over our head.This picture may look out of focus but it's actually steam rising up off the clothes.

Another thing we deal with is school. Liz, the missionary down here, has to continue on with her 2 boys regardless of how busy the schedule here is for her and I also have to do school for about half of the six weeks we're here. That's been....interesting. Alana has taken a liking to Micah, and he to her, so she enjoyed watching his school on DVD.

On this day Logan had a choice between nap and school....=)Hopefully tomorrow I'll post some pics of our trip to the volcano!


Helaine DeMarte said...

He would rather do school than take a nap. I wonder how long that will be a valid threat? :)
Love you- glad you're keeping up on the posts...

7harts01 said...

It sounds like you are having a good, albeit some what challenging, time! Thank you for keeping us up to date on what's happening! Praying for you!

Melissa said...

I'm highly disappointed that you went to the volcano without me!

Anonymous said...

I love the Chile life.