Thursday, October 9, 2008

An uninvited house guest

This is what Monica found crawling up the wall by her desk yesterday morning. We euthanized it with a cotton ball soaked in fingernail polish remover....any guesses as to what it is? We know but I'm not sure if the picture is big enough for you to be able to see a certain distinguishing feature. More fun in BG....

Man, I can't wait to go to Chile to get a way from all these poisonous snakes and spiders we have around here!!!!!!


Nicholas said...

Black Widow? I saw a little blur of red. Is the picture with its belly side up?

You wouldn't like it here in Arkansas, We have found MANY Black Widows, Brown Recluse (another poisonous spider. A lot of those in the house!), and copperheads (ok, only two of those snakes, but that is two more than needed!).

I thought they had poisonous spiders there? :)


7harts01 said...

Is it a black widow or a brown recluse? I know they look alike and I can't tell if it's brown or black!=) Either way, it's pretty cool, but even better when it's dead and not crawling around your house!