Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Right around the corner....

In nine more days, Lord willing, our NTI team of 14 people will pull onto the Union de Centros Biblicos camp property in Lican Ray, Chile. As I've mentioned before this area of Chile is my favorite - it is beautiful. According to Chilean folklore (and I think I've shared this before, too) when God finished creating everything He had some leftover parts. So, along the Pacific Coast of South America He sprinkled what remained. It contained all the most beautiful parts of everything - a desert with its unique beauty, majestic mountains and tremendous volcanoes, sparkling beaches along side white sands and cliffs, thick green forests, thousands of solitary islands....and that's how He created Chile=)

Well, not only is it beautiful but it holds a special place in my heart. As most people know I grew up in Chile as an MK with Gospel Mission of South America. The camp in Lican was where all the missionaries met the first week of January, every year. It was what I looked forward to all the other weeks of the year. Lican Ray is where I got to go horseback riding, do some rock-cliff diving (depending on how brave I was), build tree forts with the other girls to defend ourselves from the terrible boys. Where I learned from the teachers I had who, one year, had us build a replica of the tabernacle which to this day I haven't forgotten. I had some of my first 'crushes' there, my then 5-year old brother Chad got caught kissing another little girl by the playground. It's where my best friend Kristi and I stepped on a snake and screamed so loud and long we interrupted the adults business meeting going on nearby. Or when she and I were older and were in charge of teaching the classes to the younger kids. And then there are the memories of the other missionaries - my aunts and uncles during my growing up years. Like the time that Uncle Chuck used Aunt Del's toothbrush and created such a stir that by the next morning everyone knew about it, or laughing like crazy at the much anticipated skit night. I could carry on...

And now I get to go back again! God has been so good to me and my family! He is truly giving me the desire of my heart by allowing Matthew and I and our 5 children to travel to Chile and stay for 6 weeks working alongside the missionaries, Dan and Liz Thompson, at the camp I've been going back to all my life. By the way, Danny was one of those MK's too!

So, please continue to pray for our family to be a blessing and to grow together and grow in the Lord as we seek to SERVE!

Taken last week at the camp...


Melissa said...

Alisha!!! I am looking forward to seeing you all at the camp... how do you feel about cliff diving these days? ;) sounds like fun! Hope all is going well... continuing to pray for you all my friend!

7harts01 said...

It is beautiful! I'm so excited that you all get to go! I can't wait till we will be able to go as a family! We will be praying!

A woman looking for God said...

I am sooooo jealous comete un pansito amasado por mi ok?
seriously I have the funnset memories of Lican too, my kids loved it when we went. My son says he will be a missionaru only if he can go back to Lican.