Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sweet child of mine!

Jesse is child #5 and while he is the last of the bunch he is by now means the runt of the litter. He maintains about a 2 pound distance from his older sister and hovers at the 90th% for both height and weight. He has whitish blond hair and blue eyes and often gets told he looks like his Uncle Chad. He took the longest to start talking but, in my observation not to mention the comments from perfect strangers, has fully caught up and seems to be ahead of many kids his age. And while that may tell you a few facts about our youngest child it in no way can illuminate any of his character for let me make an attempt at doing that!

He has broken the record for how long it takes a Chamberland child to potty train....Mommy has had to resort to way more dramatic measures than ever before to try and get this child in 'big boy underwear' on a permanent basis before his 3rd birthday!!!He is the clown of the crew and seems to glory in that skill no matter how appropriate the timing may be - for example; Mommy: "Jesse that is enough, you settle down right now!" Jesse: (grinning) "No, YOU settle down!" (followed by an outburst of his laughter that, I might add, did not last long!)He has gotten into more 'things' than his brothers and sisters combined, stuff I forget to even watch out for because it doesn't cross my mind that one of MY children would dare to do that. Like drawing on our bed or the piano keys, or dipping his toothbrush into the toilet in the middle of brushing his teeth, or squishing peas between his toes at the lunch table, or writing in pen on the kitchen floor and blaming Uncle Chad who was standing right there, or taking a putty knife and slicing the screen.However, at the same time as being so terribly rotten, he has a smile and a sparkle that many a time make Mom and Dad have to look the other way before they burst out in laughter at his latest antics that need to be corrected and not laughed at!

So, yes, my little sweet boy is a heathen, a flat out rascal that while he may be filled with snails and puppy dog tails, well....that is the least of his problems!
And I'll close with his latest trick from yesterday.....Here he is after having coated himself in hand soap~

Now, I understand, many of you will read this and say to yourselves "Yeah, well my child did this or that...." The main point I'm trying to make is that I was beginning to feel that my husband and I had somewhat successfully navigated our way through the exciting yet tricky years of toddlerhood somewhat unscathed.....and then along came Jesse! And yes, I still love my baby....bunches and bunches=)


Helaine DeMarte said...

You were right! That was funny! :) "you settle down" - that was favorite part! :)
Keep posted- Im just looking for my camera! :)

7harts01 said...

Love that last pic! I have seen that look so may times....Truen and him are too much a like!=)