Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Goodbye's are hard

Sometime last week we pulled out some sparklers - they were left over from Helaine and Phil's wedding and who better to inherit them than her nieces and nephews! So once it got dark the kids had some fun trying to get them lit and playing around with them for their short life=)In other news there was a sad occasion that also took place last week.....Logan said goodbye to Sampson. While on our trip home from Maine we adopted two small turtles, Crush and Squirt. They were about the size of a quarter and a nickel when we first got them and they've probably doubled in size since. Shortly after getting home Logan found another turtle only this one was much bigger - with the shell the size of a softball. We kept him over the course of the summer but as the weather has started to turn cooler I told Logan it was time to let Sampson was a sad day!
*(not sure what the most cruel thing was....making him return the turtle to its home or taking this picture)

This is where Daddy spotted him back in May....on the side of the road leading into Buffalo Gap.
Logan and Alana walked down to the edge of the cow pasture fence and let him go....somewhat near the water which he probably once called home, although Logan was worried he wouldn't be able to find the water that was just up over the little hill.
Then along came our hero - Daddy happened to drive by just at the moment and it did a little boy's heart good. Daddy saved the day by climbing through the fence (AKA - trespassing) with his boy and taking Sampson right to the edge of turtle paradise and setting him free there.

And Logan did it all with bare feet....tough on the outside but a soft heart on the inside.
Oh the trials of growing up! He reminds me a little bit of this typist who once lost her dog for about a 24 hour period and probably cried for about 12 of them.


Stephanie said...

Pedro and I got a good chuckle out of the picture of poor Logan and his turtle. :)

Beautiful Log Home said...

OOOHH! Life is so rough! You are so good at telling the stories of your life and making so fun to read! Love the pix always!