Friday, October 2, 2009

Heroes and Teeth

There are some new heroes my very own home! Spider Man!

Super Bad Guy!
And Hulk you never knew 'he' could move like this!

But the real reason for this post is to tell you a story about a tooth that wasn't loose. Alana is 4, turning 5 in just a few days. And as grown up as she is, she is still a bit young to have loose teeth, and as of a few days ago she didn't, they were all quite firmly rooted in her pink gums. But things change.....She was playing a game, having a grand old time, and pulling a toy telephone around with it's cord in her teeth. She clenched down and was walking backwards around the living room being followed by her little toy....that is until Logan stopped it, he put his foot on it and it came to an abrupt halt, a halt so abrupt that it completely caught her little teeth off guard. From the other room I heard some pretty fierce crying and then came to find Alana snuggled up on Daddy. When I took a closer look this is what I found....
A tooth that only moments before had been firmly in place was now hanging limp in the front of her mouth.
Amazingly enough sadness lasted for only a moment as she realized that she now had her first loose tooth! A true rite of passage awaited her. And it didn't take long in arriving, because the very next day at the breakfast table she pulled out her very first tooth!
Did I mention she'd just gotten up?
But the story doesn't end you can see, the tooth on the table blends in quite well with the Rice Krispies spilled on the table and ~ you guessed it ~ when an unknowing Daddy was trying to be helpful and wipe off the breakfast table he swept up the little tooth along with the hand full of cereal pieces and into the trash it went. But, fortunately for Alana, the tooth fairy and Daddy are pretty close friends and she received a quarter under her pillow even though there was no tooth to exchange it for=)
For her the best proof isn't the lost tooth, but the hole that she can now proudly show off to all her friends, a hole that may be there for quite some time.....


Jonathan Johnson said...

love this post :)

7harts01 said...

Hi Alana...did it hurt to pull your tooth out? i can't wait to come and see you some time!
Love, Toriana