Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Walk

Oddly enough shortly after the Night Hike I just wrote about we went for another adventure walk! Not far from our house there are some railroad tracks and Logan and Zach have made it one of their hang out places. I think a train goes by once every few weeks or so but they just go down to fish in the stream and hang out and do whatever other 'boy' things you do at places like that. Well, Logan has been after me to walk down there with him so Saturday afternoon I tried to pretend my headache wasn't there and away we went. One of Zach's friends showed up at the house just before we left which is why he didn't go. And Monica, well, you won't see much of her either - she'd just gotten back from working for several hours at the Couch's ranch and was quite worn out! See....
So while Monica rested the little 3 crawled around exploring here and there, and I walked around and did the same thing, with my camera=)

I'm learning that my little girl, who can be a bit....shall we say, actually quite brave about certain things. Like when Logan was scared to climb in under the tracks since it was up quite high....she loved it!

And Jesse, well, that kid has a such a badness in his eyes sometimes that I just have to look the other way and smile in SHOCK! But then again, I've always had a soft spot for the bad ones....=)

And then there's Logan who has such a mixture of traits and interests that he's a bit harder to sum up in just one word. In the pic on the right he's desperately trying to reach a plant that was round and prickly....he spent almost the entire time trying to get as many as he could, crack them open, and get out the seeds - which he then brought home. He's a definite collector!

I took some pictures of the kids and tried out my timer.....
Watched nervously as Jesse ran along the edge of the tracks! And then just took some scenic pictures - as much as I complain about Buffalo Gap (who? ME? complain? never!) - it has it's picturesque moments=)

Alana: "Logan, what does that sign say?"
Logan: "It says no pooping."


Helaine DeMarte said...

Super Duper. What were you doing posting on the blog at 6:45am!?

sheenarozelle said...

'No pooping' - brilliant!