Monday, October 12, 2009

Alana is FIVE!!!

No, I did not forget that it's Alana's birthday. This post will have the date of October 12th on it but it's being written on the 13th. We had a small celebration at lunch with just a couple presents but we will have her actual birthday party on Thursday and combine it with one for Jesse as well. My kiddos are growing up!

But, since I went to bed at 1am last night (silly me thinking I could keep up with people like Jenna, Rachel, Jodie, Tim, and Kendrick....!) I did not have the time to sit down and write a cute little post about Alana like I wanted to.

Just the same, Alana Joy, we love you so very much. This past year you have grown in many ways - and we are glad to watch you begin the steps to becoming a young lady whose life is pleasing to her Saviour. Enjoy being five, sweet girl!

And I'll close with some pictures - the many faces of my little girl=)


Helaine DeMarte said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl! Maybe one day I'll be able to celebrate with you! I love you!!