Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or....

TREAT!!! Well, we did it. We broke our own trend, defied the onlookers, went against the grain of our more conservative peers, promised to do penance on our return, AND TOOK OUR KIDS "TRICK OR TREAT" ING!!! And guess what - we had a blast=) The last time we went was 7 years ago when Logan was a 6 month old pumpkin, Zach a 7 year old pirate, and Monica a 9 year old Marine=)

Our first stop was the ambulance shed - this may seem a bit random but we know several of the people that work there and Matthew had been there already earlier today. He was a pin cushion for some of the CBI girls that are going through an EMT course....what a guy!!!

After that we went to several of the homes of church families but I didn't take many pictures. The kids had a great time piling in and out and in and out and in and out of the Expedition as we traveled from one stop to the next. For Monica the shock on their faces was better than the candy! Look at this girl!!!!!!!!!We had a great time getting all the kids dressed and ready but when I see this picture it scares me into thankfulness that this is not the REAL her=) She painted all the faces but her own....I did that one! We even found a gold sequin that we stuck on the side of her nose with liquid band-aid to make it look like a piercing....she had waaaay to much fun planning and doing this!

Like I said I didn't take many pics so here is a shot of each of the kids.

Jesse as the Incredible Hulk (face painting by Monica) ~

Alana as a princess, what else! (face painting by Mommy) ~

Logan as Spiderman (incredible face painting by Monica) ~

Zach as a military man in need of a shave, although he was also identified as a 'bootlegger' (5 o'clock shadow by Zachery) ~

Monica as a 'punk' (face painting by Mommy) ~

(I realize this is a picture that will make the grandparents cringe, but it's what's on the inside that counts, right?)

So....trick or treat, anyone?


sheenarozelle said...

brilliant! looks like loads of fun. we kind of forgot it was Halloween, then at 8pm (we were watching a movie) the doorbell rang and Trick or Treat! whoops, rather awkward moment of Lincoln explaining to our visitors that we didn't have anything for them... but they took it well (:

Helaine DeMarte said...

:) Love it! :)

Stephanie said...

Great job on the costumes!!

Unknown said...

*laughs* I was jealous... *sniff* but THANKS AGAIN Matt, for being a willing pin cushion! :D

Unknown said...

*laughs* I was jealous... *sniff* but THANKS AGAIN Matt, for being a willing pin cushion! :D