Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Surprise #2

Let me tell you a story....

Once upon a time there was a little girl who loved dogs, when she was just little her dad bought her a little one for 100 pesos (25 cents), and thus began her love for all things 'puppy'. Years later, her wonderful mother (though not a dog person) let her get another dog which she loved for years and her heart was broken when he was gone. Her dream was to have a German Shepherd one day when she grew up. Well, one day she married a wonderful man who also loved dogs and he made her dream come true....she got a little German Shepherd puppy and named him George. She loved him for 8 years and cried her heart out when he was gone. And THEN....Her wonderful husband's heart softened and this past Monday morning he walked in the door, but he wasn't alone. In walked the biggest, softest, puppy that the little girl (now not so little) had ever had.... a Saint Bernard. And her heart fell in love all over again....
We've adopted Boomer, the dog of our friend Tiffany who recently married and moved out of state, unable to take the dog with her. He is a lovable, huggable, slobbering, playful, laid back, giant teddy bear. Such a good puppy....all 110 pounds of him=)

Thank you, Matthew!


Helaine DeMarte said...

Can't wait to meet him! :)

Matthew Lim said...

Love the dog story... but why is Jesse wearing a ski mask?

Michelle said...

I almost guessed puppy but didn't want to get into something-if you know what I mean. I would say you have a BIG puppy, look at all the hair you can clean up now!!!Very glad you got another puppy.

sheenarozelle said...

what a cutie! i want one! (kind of. maybe. in a few years.)

Stephanie said...

Oh Alisha, this is so awesome! I love you and your dog-loving ways. Way to go, Matthew!