Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How does your love rate?

I've been thinking a lot about love lately....not really the romantic kind of love but the I Corinthians 13 kind of love. This world today has twisted love of every kind but the one that has suffered the most, I think, is the love of God. Love is who HE is, but what does that mean? Does that mean we should love everybody....actually, yes, we should. But the love we should have for everyone may not necessarily be interpreted as love if we truly put it into action. Our love for each other, for fellow Christians, includes a love that both covers a multitude of sins and at the same time is selfless enough to point out those areas in which we believe there may be a struggle. And our love for unbelievers must also be Christlike - without sacrificing or comprising our love for God and all that He stands for that is right and good. You know the saying 'Hate the sin but love the sinner'. So I ask myself "Is my love selfish? does it bear and endure all things? does it rejoice in iniquity? is it patient? is is kind? Would others who may see me, whether saved or not, be able to see that love?" There are 3 actual situations that I am thinking of now as I write this that all involve my love for another person. "Please, Lord, help me to handle them all with the right kind of love." There are also a couple of other situations in the past couple of days where the 'love' of others was evident for me or my family, one by way of godly rebuke and one being anything but godly. Read I Corinthians today and see how your love rates.